Insurance not your thing?

That’s Okay!
It’s ours.

For half a century, we’ve provided our customers uncommon insurance expertise and exemplary customer service.

Business Lines Education Article


A note to our Business Clients:

We fully understand and are very sorry for the hardship that you are experiencing because of the
Corona Virus pandemic and the loss of business activity that it has caused.

The loss of income is not considered a covered insurance loss, primarily because there has not been a ‘direct physical loss’ such as a fire or other situation that would generally keep a business from operating AND because insurance policies are not, nor have they ever been, designed or priced to cover  pandemics and the amount of financial loss they can and are causing.

We have been in constant contact with our carriers to stay aware of any changes they are making to coverages and have worked with them to expand accommodations and coverage for those businesses that have had to change their typical mode of operations to adhere to government orders such as delivery for restaurants. Some companies are offering to cover the liability of the business if employees are allowed to make deliveries and an accident occurs. Each company has different guidelines and is making accommodations as they can.

Please contact us if you wish to discuss your specific circumstances.

Please know that we are trying to help as much as we possibly can and delivering this kind of information is not easy for us because we realize the impact it has on you and your livelihood.
Our best to you,
John Dawson Associates